Delhi Roads Crumbling Effect

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Delhi is the capital city of India. Recently the roads of the Capital city have crumbled due to the heavy shower effect. The reasons for this kind of crumbled condition are mainly poor maintenance, improper drainage systems, and a lack of modern technologies. Most of the roads are laid over water pipes. The water pipes need to be shifted underneath the footpath to avoid leakage. In most cases, this concrete cover is missing, henceforth leading to crumbled roads during the rainy seasons. This is the reason why is Delhi about to crumble. In this post we discuss why is it crucial to fix up damaged roads:

Potholes can lead to safety risks for pedestrians and drivers. This increases the risk of road accidents, henceforth leading to be hazardous for both animals and pedestrians. Municipalities should regularly inspect these damages and repair them quickly making the roads to be safer for pedestrians. The existence of potholes may make the drivers feel uncomfortable while they are driving. Thus, it is the responsibility of the municipalities to monitor these conditions and fix them up immediately.



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