An, Recently fell in love of Chocolate mint.((いや、何の話w

雑談 にじさんじ
今日:13 hit、昨日:6 hit、合計:861 hit

最高ランク : 2 , 更新: 2022/01/27 1:35:37

After seeing the cutout of Nijisanji EN, I really liked it!

I like Ike Eveland.


The interview was decided on January 27th…
I don't want to go.

An,I don’t like English.
It's difficult because I can't remember the words.

After that, I thought about the final greeting!

You,just you is what I really need.I’ll be here .I’ll be waiting here for you .
Goodbye U・x・U

My favorite singer is RADWIMPS.
I recently listened to an English song and decided to speak English here.

Please let me know if the English text is wrong.


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